Hi, I’m Jason, people often call me Jay.


Hailing from Manchester and now calling Finland home for 27 years, I'm a  Northerner at heart — direct, honest, and approachable.


The Nordic way of life has always fuelled my inspiration. The balance with nature. Four seasons. Enjoying the simple things in life. 


I’m a unique blend of my experiences. I believe we’re all unique and need to build self-awareness to help us find that perfect "fit" to unleash our best selves, both at work and in life.

 As an entrepreneur, I thrive on the exhilarating balance of working 100% when needed, and switching off 100% when not — a daily challenge I relish.


I balance my roles as a coach, trainer, consultant, and facilitator, collaborating with diverse industries and companies alongside running my own business. 

Hi, I’m Jason, people often call me Jay.


Hailing from Manchester and now calling Finland home for 25 years, I embody the “Northerner spirit”— direct, honest, and approachable.


The Nordic way of life has always fueled my inspiration. I’m a unique blend. 


I believe we’re all unique and need to find that perfect "fit" to unleash our best selves, both at work and in life.

Proudly from Manchester and a devoted Manchester City fan, I’m captivated by the professionalism, teamwork, and leadership that coaching and playing in a high-performing team demands.


This passion brings me almost as much joy as the games themselves.


After working with leaders for over 25 years, I’m convinced that the strategies, skills, and mindsets I’ve championed in business are vital for everyone, not just business leaders.


Let’s discover and unleash your unique potential together!